Thursday, 4 November 2010

Warm-Up 3

Warm-Up 3 is all about turning informal, spoken language into formal, written language. The prompt is the kind of thing a health-and-safety officer might say when he's on a site visit, but the written version of his recommendations will use different grammatical structures and different words.

Remember that you've only got FIVE sentences to produce - you don't need to write the entire report.


  1. In Sweden, Swedish law applies to everybody; if the law´s are not followed we will need to close down the construction site.

    According to Swedish law, it is not allowed to wear any footwear without reinforced soles and toecaps due to the risk dealing with heavy materials and boards with nails for example.

    Approved safety helmet is compulsory to every person entering the building site.

    We strongly suggest that you use safety helmets with built-in hearing protection to prevent any hearing loss.

    Safety barriers and fences are a must at all sorts of building above ground level due to the safety risk of falling.

  2. According to Swedish safety rules and regulations there are some things that require adjustment at the construction site.

    Proper work boots, with reinforced soles and toecaps, needs to be worn at all time to protect workers from heavy materials, nails etc.

    Hardhats are mandatory and have to be worn constantly on the construction site.

    The fences and safety barriers needs to be improved to avoid accidents.

    Some of our machines have to be checked by an authorised mechanic, before we can continue to use them, because their test certificates have expired.

  3. Amanda Lidström8 November 2010 at 18:27

    The laws and regulations in Sweden concerning safety at work are very strict and it is highly important that your workers follow them. If you will not correct the problems that I am going to present in this letter, we will have to end this cooperation immediately.
    Firstly, your employees are not working in proper shoes. Since there are many sharp and heavy objects in their work environment it is dangerous to wear shoes without reinforced soles and toecaps. The consequences following if one of the workers would drop something heavy on his foot wearing unreinforced shoes are severe and have to be avoided.

  4. Amanda Lidström8 November 2010 at 20:25

    This is the right version of it:

    The laws and regulations in Sweden concerning safety at work are very strict and it is highly important that they are followed. If the problems which are presented in this letter will not be corrected, the construction site will be closed down as a consequence.
    Firstly, proper shoes are not worn to work in. Since there are many sharp and heavy objects in the work environment it is dangerous to wear shoes without reinforced soles and toecaps. The consequences following if a heavy item would be dropped on a foot wearing unreinforced shoes are severe and have to be avoided.

  5. We recently had a visit from the Swedish Health and Safety Authority and he found many health and safety problems at the construction site.

    The inspector demands that the workers wear hardhats since it is mandatory according to the Swedish law. Additionally, they should wear ear protectors and proper working boots to protect them while working. There should also be fences and barriers in case of fall, and some of the machines need to be checked by an authorized mechanic.

    Please consider this matter seriously otherwise the construction site will be closed down.

    Erliza Lopez Pedersen

  6. Warm-Up 3

    In Sweden there are laws to provide while working at a building site, please notice and adjust to the following rules.

    Approved safety helmets are compulsory and needs to be worn at all times, recommended with built in ear protection and a mesh for maximum protection.

    Reliable boots with reinforced soles and toecaps are mandatory to prevent injuries when handling with nails, boards, girders and similar heavy materials.

    Everything built above ground level needs guaranteed safety prevent this by secure scaffolding on even ground before construction.

    Each machinery must be viewed by an authorised mechanic for a valid test certificate.

  7. Ulrika Ehrenstråhle

    The Swedish Health and Safety Executive have visited the construction site and threatened to close it down unless the safety demands are not being fulfilled, why we now do the best to meet the Swedish standard.

    Safety helmets are compulsory to wear on construction sites according to law in Sweden, why we urge not letting anyone have access to the site unless they are wearing one.

    The safety helmets will be equipped with built-in hearing protection since there are no ear protections used until now.

    Ordinary training shoes have been worn on the construction site, but proper boots with toecaps and reinforced soles are now mandatory since the danger of falling heavy items is significant.

    The certificates of four of the construction machinery have expired why the local test station will test them and if necessary the machinery will also be sent to an authorised mechanic station for reparation before they will be reinstalled on the construction site.

  8. According to the Swedish Health and Safety Authority we need to improve the safety here at our work place so that we can continue the building project. The inspector mentioned that the workers needs’ helmets with hearing protectors and also reinforced shoes with steel toe-cap, this so they don’t hurt themselves during their work. We must also improve the working platforms around the buildings with more fences and other safety devices, so that no one falls. During an inspection of the machines, the inspector fund out that some of our vehicles’ needs service and also an inspection at a vehicle inspection company before we can use them again. If we don’t fulfill these demands, we can’t continue the construction since the authorities will close our work place.

  9. In Sweden, there are rules and regulations which must be followed regarding the working conditions at a construction site; otherwise the construction site might be closed down.
    Firstly, the employees need proper work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps. Secondly, helmets with built-in hearing protectors and a mesh to cover the face are required. In addition, there must be proper fences and safety barriers since the workers are above ground level. Finally, there were some anomalies regarding the machinery including expired test certificates and mechanical faults.

  10. To prevent accidents and injuries our workers need proper work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    Approved safety helmets are compulsory at worksites by Swedish regulations.

    The plant used to build the center needs a thourough service by an authorised mechanic since the testcertificates has expired.

    Due to the Swedish safety regulations the fences and safety barriers have to be controlled to ensure the safety at the worksite.

    If the safetyproblems at the worksite is not attended to, the worksite will be discontinued.

  11. Swedish safety rules for working conditions strictly have to be followed and require several adjustments at the building site.

    The rules are claiming that all workers on the site are labored to wear an approved safety helmet and work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    To avoid the risk of falling there are strict rules of using safety fences and barriers with the proper high when building above ground level.
    Working machines as diggers and dumpers obviously have to have a current certificate otherwise they can’t be run.

    All mechanic tools need to be tested at the service station by an authorized attendant.

  12. On a Swedish construction site it is essential that Swedish laws and regulations are followed for them to be allowed to continue their work.

    All workers must be equipped with proper clothing that offers the protection that the workplace demands, such as shoes with steel toecap, safety glasses and gloves.

    Approved safety helmets are mandatory at all times for everyone staying on the site. Preferably the helmets are equipped with hearing protection and visor.

    Fences and barriers are needed on site to protect workers against falls or other hazards.

  13. Louise Torstensson13 November 2010 at 16:30

    The Swedish law is very clear about working conditions at building sites; the law does not allow working conditions that could risk the safety of the workers. In order to continue the work at the exhibition center you need to improve the safety of this building site.

    Everyone who visit or works at the building site should wear protective clothing such as safety shoes with toecaps and safety helmet. Besides clothing, we recommend that your employees at all time uses ear and face protection. To protect your employees further you always need to have fences and safety barriers established when building above ground level due to the risk of falling.

  14. In Sweden, safety rules and regulations for construction sites must be always followed very carefully.

    First, workers should be properly equipped with work boots having reinforced soles and toecaps and an approved safety helmet.

    In addition, the helmet must have built-in ear muffs and a mesh covering the face due to the noise matter.

    Fences and safety barriers must be also built up very carefully with the proper height.

    Diggers and a dumper truck should be tested by an authorized mechanic at the inspection station, especially for the hydraulic systems.

  15. Zhe Zhao

    In Sweden, there are some rules and regulations that everyone should implement in order to make sure the building project of first exhibition centre in Kalmar could continue to be executed.

    First of all, the proper work boots, with reinforced soles and toecaps should be wore by everyone who works in the building site.

    Meanwhile, An approved safety helmet having built-in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face is indispensable and compulsory for all workers and people who visits this building site.

    Secondly, fences and safety barriers of the proper height have to be built above ground level because of the strict rules about fences and safety barriers in Sweden.

    Last but not least, three diggers and a dumper truck whose test certificates have already run out must not be used and should not be brought back into service until they have been tested by the test station which is round the corner, and don’t forget to make an emergency appointment with the test station in the next few days, asking them to check by an authorized mechanic.

  16. Britt-Marie Ohlsson14 November 2010 at 10:37

    According to the Swedish law, we have to improve the security at our building site, so we can continue and complete our work with the exhibition centre in Kalmar.
    First we have to give all our workers proper work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps. They also need an approved safety helmet and ear protectors.
    It is very important too that there are fences and safety barriers all around the building site, to avoid accidents.
    We also need to renew the test certificates for our diggers and dumper and let an authorized mechanic check and test them.
    Britt-Marie Ohlsson

  17. After an inspection made by the Swedish Health and Safety department we were informed of a few things that we urgently need to improve according to Swedish law, otherwise we are risking to be closed down.
    The following safety aspects needs to be dealt with immediately:

    All workes must be equiped with working boots with reinforced soles and toecaps. This to avoid injuries from nails or other sharp materials on the ground as well as the risk of dropping heavy materials while lifting. Sneakers or regular boots are not allowed as footwear on site.

    All workers and visitors on site are obliged to wear a safety helmet. This needs to be an approved hard hat, no exceptions allowed.
    If new hard hats are being ordered it is strongly recommended to use hard hats with built-in ear protection.

    Safety barriers and fences must be put up on all places were the staff is working above ground level.

  18. When working in Sweden there are some rules and regulations that we are obliged to follow, therefore we have conducted a report of things that need to be improved at the construction site according to the Swedish Health and Safety Executive.

    Safety helmets are compulsory for both workers and visitors; no one is allowed to enter the site without wearing an approved helmet. There is also a lack of ear protectors, therefore we are recommended to purchase helmets with built in ear protection, for the safety of the workers.

    We must improve our fences and safety barriers as well as having our machines tested and approved to avoid accidents on the site.

    The work on the site is sometimes incredibly heavy, and to avoid injury our workers require appropriate work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

  19. It was pointed out that it was mandatory for all persons on the construction site to wear hardhats.

    Due to the noise level, it was recommended that the construction workers wore helmets with built-in muffs and mesh covering their faces.

    The representative of the Health and Safety Executive pointed out the necessity of fences and safety barriers at all times when constructing above ground-level.

    The construction manager was informed that due to the expiration of the test certificates of three excavators and one dumper truck, the machines were banned from use until they had been duly tested.

    Omission to comply with prescribed occupational safety and health regulations would result in the closure of the construction site.

  20. There are several laws and regulations issued by the Swedish Work Environment Authority, which must be followed at the building site.

    The workers must have safety shoes, with reinforced soles and toecaps, to prevent injuries.

    Approved safety helmets are compulsory to everyone entering the building site.

    As the noise level sometimes reaches high levels, it is recommended for all workers to wear ear protectors at the building site.

    According to Swedish law, guardrails of the proper height must be provided for all building above ground level to avoid injuries.

    Linnéa Sedvall

  21. The inspector from the Health and Safety Executive visited company’s building site for the first exhibition centre in Kalmar and pointed several things to do obligatorily for the safety on that day.

    First of all, he recommended that Boots with reinforced soles and toecaps, safety helmet with ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face must be prepared for worker’s safe conditions in this building site.

    Also, the fences and safety barriers of the proper height should be set as a defense of the accidental fall.

    Finally, he found that the leaks in the hydraulic systems from three diggers and a dumper truck and judged that those should be checked by an authorized mechanic.

    These are based on the Sweden rules and regulations, so if the company does not follow recommendations, it will be closed down.


  22. On site, both workers and visitors must wear an approved safety helmet at all times.

    Due to noise levels – ear protectors are strongly advised, there are safety helmets that have got integrated ear protection already.

    In order to reduce the risks of injuries while walking as well as when lifting heavy materials on the building site, workers will have to wear boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    On and around the building site we will need to assure that there are fences and safety barriers where needed and that they are of the right height to comply with health and safety regulations.

    All diggers, dumper trucks and other heavy machines has got to have up–to-date and approved test certificates before further use of them are allowed, some will need to have repairs done on them.

  23. - “In Sweden we have laws you have to follow. I can not comment about China, because I don not have enough knowledge, if you do not follow these laws, we might have to close the construction down”

    - “We priority safety and good workwear very high, we can not let anyone in without an approved safety helmet.

    - “Even though the noise level is normal, we consider the best thing to wear ear protection, for example helmets with built-in ear muffs a mesh to cover the face.”

    - “At this construction we have strict safety rules, including fences and safety barriers. We have to make sure that the fences and safety barriers are at a proper height, people can get hurt, even from shorter fall.”

    - “I have noticed that three diggers and a truck have their certificates run out, you have to bring them to service and test them before using them again. The test station is close and you should be able to get an emergency appointment very soon. Their might be some issues with the hydraulic system as well, It would be good to have that checked by an authorised mechanic.

  24. Result of inspection on the site from a health-and-safety officer:
    • Staff is to wear hearing protectors at any time when working with electric appliances.
    • All electric appliances must be equipped with a dead man’s handle in case of emergency.
    • All staff within the site must at all times wear light reflecting orange waistcoats to maximize their visibility.
    If these requirements are not fulfilled when the next flying inspection is performed the site will be closed down pending regulated adjustment.

    Sanna Uhlmann

  25. Recommendations

    The building site has to be adapted immediately to Swedish rules and regulations regarding safety.

    Firstly, as the noise at the building site sometimes reaches harmful levels, all workers should wear ear protectors.

    Subsequently, to avoid foot injuries caused e.g. by nails or dropped items, everyone entering the building site should be equipped with work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    Then, fences and safety barriers of proper height should be raised for all work above ground level to avoid fall injuries.
    Finally, hardhats are compulsory equipment on any building site in Sweden and should thus be worn at all times by anyone at the building site.

    Isabelle T.G

  26. Warm up 3 by Sofia Malmer

    It is mandatory to use safety shoes at the site.

    Anybody who enters the site shall be using an approved safety helmet.

    If a workshop or site is noisy, the workers shall be using ear muffs, i.e. helmets with built in ear muffs and a mesh.

    The Work Environment Act states that a site shall have proper fences and safety barriers when building above ground level.

    In Sweden, all machines such as diggers and dumpers, have to have up to date test certificates.

  27. Due to strict regulations, construction may be suspended if safety rules and procedures are not properly implemented.
    Safety shoes providing steel shoe caps and mid-sole must be worn if an employee is frequently exposed to foot hazards.
    For the purpose of preventing employee injury, any construction or excavation area requires safety fencing.
    No worker shall enter a construction site unless he is wearing an approved safety helmet with hearing and face protection.
    Construction site managers must ensure provision of valid test certificates for all construction machinery and equipment.

  28. Yihong Chen

    According to the Swedish law, the following dilemma should be solved; if not, the process would be closed.

    Firstly, employees will lift heavy sacks of cement, girders and other heavy materials in the surrounding of boards with nails; as a result, all the workers should wear trainers, proper work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    Then, from the noise and safety point of view, workers must wear hardhats with ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face.

    Subsequently, Swedish strict rules illustrate there must be fences and safety barriers of the proper height to avoid the accident in construction site.

    Last but not least, every digger and dumper truck must have a valid test certificate.

  29. Due to an inspection according to the Swedish Environmental Act, performed by a Health and Safety Inspector, we are obliged to inform you of the current situation at the construction site in Kalmar.

    The Swedish Environmental Act requires a conscious work environment and proper equipment to eliminate the hazards of frequently occurring accidents at, for example, construction sites.

    In our case, since the act requires special equipment such as reinforced shoes, approved safety helmets, these preferably provided with ear protection due to the noise, these helmets needs to be worn whenever entering the construction site.

    To avoid serious accidents when working above ground level, we need to secure the construction site with barrels, preventing potential falling accidents, even the smallest fall can cause immediate danger to our workers.

    Unfortunately, the machinery at the site needs inspection immediately as well since their license has expired, and we are most keen to provide the correct equipment and see to all of the demands the inspector has expressed since we do not wish for any delay in the project.

  30. It is compulsory for the workers to use safety equipment in order to protect themselves from potential accidents during their activities in the plant.

    Certified helmets and working boots must be used from everyone in order to continue their work in the plant.

    Ears' protection is also important when working in a construction site and a good solution would be to supply the workers with specialized helmets that protect the head, ears and face.

    The rules on securing the construction site with fences and barriers are very strict and therefore it is essential to resolve this matter before starting the construction process.

    The most important problem is the expiration of the test certificates of three diggers and a truck, which involves them to be checked by the test station before they can be operated again.

  31. In Sweden, there are strict working conditions rules and regulations that must be followed in order to maintain a safe workplace and avoid any further problems regarding the subject.

    Firstly, the employees are required to have an appropriate work wear, such as shoes with reinforced soles and toecaps and approved safety helmet, especially when handling with all sorts of heavy material, which is the case.

    Although the noise level does not surpass the normal standards, ear protectors should be in use, helmets with integrated ear buffers and face protection could be a good alternative.

    Subsequently, in view of the fact that the construction is above ground level, safety barriers with the appropriate height, need to be placed all around the working territory.

    Finally, it is of utmost importance to have all motor vehicles inspected and certified, some of them might have a damaged hydraulic system that can compromise the work.

  32. Warm up 3

    Name: Roba El-Chami

    Following are the personal protective equipments recommended by Health and Safety representative.

    • Safety shoes, to protect workers from injures caused by, falling objects or sharp objects.
    • Safety helmet with ear muffs and a full face covering mesh, to prevent hazards such as flying fragments or high noise levels that can cause hearing loss.
    • Fences and safety barriers must be provided around construction areas.

    Furthermore, any vehicle with an expired test certificate must be put on hold immediately till retesting is conducted and a valid certificate is provided.

  33. The employees on the work sight in Kalmar are wearing sneakers, which is not according to Swedish law and regulations, they need to wear boots with reinforced toecaps and soles to avoid injuries caused by nails and falling equipment.
    The employees are not wearing hardhats, which is mandatory in Sweden. The Swedish regulations suggest that the workers wear hardhats with inbuilt earplugs.
    As construction is being made above ground level it is important ta have sufficient fences or safety barriers.
    Machinery used on the sight has outdated test certificates and need to be checked upon by a certified mechanic before they can be used on the work sight.

  34. He Maoqi

    The building site will be shutdown if our contractors do not obey the Swedish Health and Safety law, which could be quite different from the law in China.

    According to Swedish Health and Safety law, proper work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps are required to protect workers' feet when they walking around the place full of boards and nails, and when they lifting heavy materials such as sacks of cement, girders, bricks and so on.

    It is strictly not allowed for anyone in the building site without wearing an approved safety helmet, it is better if the helmets have built-in ear muffs to secure workers’ ear from noise and a mesh to cover their face.

    Fences and safety barriers with proper height everywhere are strictly required before building above ground level according to the rules, so that will not risk much even if the workers fall a few meters.

    Diggers and dumper truck (It looks like there might be some leaks in the hydraulic systems on a couple of them) with certificates run out are not allowed to use, and they must be tested by an authorized mechanic in the test station, which is just around the corner of building site.

  35. Haroon Rashid

    Recently, the Swedish Health and Safety Executive visited the construction site. He was worried about the working conditions at the site and instruct us to follow to the Swedish rules and regulations.


    1.The workers must have safety shoes with reinforced soles and toecaps to prevent injuries.

    2.Helmets are compulsory for safety and needs to be worn at all times, recommended with built in ear protection and a mesh for maximum protection.

    3.It is strictly not allowed for anyone in the building site without wearing an approved safety helmet, it is better for the human safety.

    4.The fences and safety barriers of the proper height should be set as a defense of the accidental fall.

    5.The expired certificates of three diggers and a dumper truck should be checked by the test station before operate again.

  36. In Sweden there are several rules and regulations which have to be followed at the company otherwise the company have rights to close you down.

    First, the workers need proper work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps and all workers have to wear a safety helmet as well, all this to be insured.

    In addition, the helmet need to have built-in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face, this because of the high noise level on site.

    Secondly, fences and safety barriers have to build up carefully with a proper height above ground level.

    Last, some of the machines have to checked by an authorized mechanic before we can use them again, this because their certificates have run out.

    By: Elin Arnsvik

  37. The Swedish Health and Safety Executive have visited the building construction site and notified a couple of conditions that is required change according to Swedish rules and regulation otherwise they would closed down our project.
    The workers should wear proper work boots, with reinforced soles and toecaps in order to protect them from sharp and heavy materials.
    Helmets are mandatory which recommended the one with ear protection and a mesh to protect the face.
    Safety barriers and fences needs to be built properly in proper height from the above ground level for the safety risk of falling.
    Some machines test certificate have expired, before we continue to use them the machines has to be checked and tested by an authorized mechanic here in Sweden.
